
Lumbar Discogram

This procedure is performed as a diagnostic tool in order to ascertain the source of pain that is coming from a given disc or discs. After the procedure a CT Scan of the lumbar spine is performed.

These procedures are all done under x-ray guidance and sedation in the procedure suite or in a hospital outpatient setting

Lumbar Sympathetic Block

This procedure is just like the stellate ganglion block procedure but involves the lower extremities.

These procedures are all done under x-ray guidance and sedation in the procedure suite or in a hospital outpatient setting

Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection Series

This procedure is performed for people who have a herniated disc "slipped disc", that may radiate into their legs causing severe pain in the back as well as in the legs.

Cortisone is injected into the epidural space and decreases inflammation that is the product of the disc inflaming the adjoining structures including the nerves. Cortisone acts to neutralize inflammatory products that are created as a result of this process and leads to pain relief.

These procedures are all done under x-ray guidance and sedation in the procedure suite or in a hospital outpatient setting
