
Facet Radio Frequency Neurolysis

Patients who have very successful outcomes from Lumbar & Cervical Facet Blocks procedures, have the option of getting this procedure performed in order to give prolonged relief of pain that is the result of joint arthritis within the spine. A microwave signal is generated by a special probe that is attached to a special machine that is the generator of microwave signals.

These procedures are all done under x-ray guidance and sedation in the procedure suite or in a hospital outpatient setting

Stellate Ganglion Block

This procedure is performed for a type of pain called complex regional pain syndrome in the upper extremities and even in the head and neck.

It is usually a one-sided procedure in the neck near the debacle six level that blocks the sympathetic nerves that supply the arms, face and neck.

These procedures are all done under x-ray guidance and sedation in the procedure suite or in a hospital outpatient setting
